Let's Get Started
Increase your students' ability to pay tuition by unlocking access to public benefits.
Get StartedAbout Us
We streamline social care for your students.
Single Stop is a nonprofit that's trusted by colleges and universities across America.
Generate a ROI
Generate a return on your investment and unlock new resources for your students. Single Stop's  student services platform will pay for itself if just five students use it.
Discover Your ROI
$1,500/Mo Average Benefit
Increase your students' ability to pay tuition by unlocking access to public benefits. Single Stop helped households access $1,500 in eligible benefits per month, on average, in 2023.
Get Started
“In FY23, we connected over 97,000 individuals to benefits and resources valued at an unprecedented half a billion dollars.”
President & CEO
A trusted partner
Single Stop is used at 160+ locations across the United States
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